Welcome to SIMP-LI’s User Guide! :girl:



SIMP-LI loves rabbits :rabbit:, she has a pet rabbit that she cherishes and takes care of it dearly. Due to a car accident, she lost her entire family including her pet rabbit. She had to undergo intensive surgery which affected her psychologically. Seeing her having no relatives you decided to adopt her as your child. As time passes she developed strong feelings for you. Now she sees you as her new “rabbit” and she treats you very dearly.

SIMP-LI is your cute little assistant :girl: that you can talk to whenever you are feeling troubled. SIMP-LI’s favourite hobby is to simp-lify your work as she does not want you to be stress. As SIMP-LI is still recovering from the car accident she only has the mental capacity to perform limited actions via the commands given by you. Let’s hope that she can recover quickly so that maybe one day you can hold a basic conversation with her :smile:.

Quick start :watch:

  1. Verify that you have Java 11 or above installed in your machine to bring SIMP-LI to life.
  2. Download the latest version of simpli.jar. from here.
  3. Copy simpli.jar to the folder that you want SIMP-LI to reside in. She will need to poop out a directory and a file to help her remember the things given to her.
  4. Open a terminal, cd into the folder where simpli.jar resides in, and execute java -jar simpli.jar command. Congratulations you have brought SIMP-LI to LIFEEE!

Features :girl:

Just some things to take note:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are parameters to be supplied by you. e.g. todo TASK_NAME, TASK_NAME is a parameter which can be todo feed SIMP-LI dinner.
  • Items in square brackets are optional. e.g. greet [MESSAGE] which can be greet or greet I love you SIMP-LI.
  • SIMP-LI only understand date and time in the following format D/M/YYYY HHMM where:
    • D is the day of the month ranging from 1 to 31.
    • M is the month ranging from 1 to 12 (January to December).
    • YYYY is the 4 digit year ranging from 0001 to 9999.
    • HH is the 2 digit time in hours ranging from 00 to 24.
    • MM is the 2 digit time in minutes ranging from 00 to 60.
  • SIMP-LI is still recovering from the car accident, she will not understand if the parameters are not in order.
  • SIMP-LI is very honest she will reply to every command even if it is extraneous, but she will inform you if it is extraneous or ignore it and execute the operation normally.

  • To interact with SIMP-LI, simply enter your commands in the text field shown below before pressing <Enter> key on your keyboard or by clicking on the <Send> button.

  • Quick tip boxes.
:information_source: The blue block highlights additional information that might be useful in clearing some confusion.
:warning: The yellow block draws attention to crucial information that requires careful consideration to mitigate potential risks or challenges.

Greeting SIMP-LI: greet

SIMP-LI greets you as her adoptive parent. It makes you happy to see her alive and kicking :smile:.

Command format: greet [MESSAGE]

Command examples: greet, greet hello SIMP-LI, greet I love you SIMP-LI

SIMP-LI’s response:


Adding a todo task: todo

SIMP-LI memorize the todo task as undone so that you can relax your mind.

Command format: todo TASK_NAME

Command example: todo feed SIMP-LI dinner

SIMP-LI’s response:


Adding a deadline task: deadline

SIMP-LI memorize the deadline task that has to be done by a certain date and time as undone so that you can relax your mind.

Command format: todo TASK_NAME /by D/M/YYYY HHMM, where date and time must not be in the past.

Command example: deadline teach SIMP-LI a new command /by 20/12/2025 1200

SIMP-LI’s response:


Adding an event task: event

SIMP-LI memorize an event that you have to attend from and to a specific date and time so that you can relax your mind.

Command format: event TASK_NAME /from D/M/YYYY HHMM /to D/M/YYYY HHMM, where date and time must not be in the past and the date after /from must be before /after.

Command example: event bonding session with SIMPLI /from 20/12/2024 1200 /to 20/12/2024 1400

SIMP-LI’s response:


Deleting a task: delete

SIMP-LI forgets the task number that she had remembered. You reduce SIMP-LI’s workload of remembering things. SIMP-LI is very grateful to you.

Command format: delete TASK_NUMBER, refer to Listing all tasks: list to understand more about task number

Command example: delete 1

SIMP-LI’s response:


Listing all tasks: list

SIMP-LI excitedly lists all the task numbers and their tasks task number that she had remembered.

Task number is useful when:

Command example: list

SIMP-LI’s response:


:information_source: SIMP-LI ignores any extraneous parameter that comes after the list command and will just execute the list command. For example list 1 will just execute the list command and ignore the 1.

Finding specific tasks: find

SIMP-LI looks through her memory for specific tasks that contains a substring, SUBSTRING.

Command format: find [SUBSTRING]

Command example: find session

SIMP-LI’s response:


Marking a task as done: mark

SIMP-LI marks the task number in her memory as done.

Command format: mark TASK_NUMBER, refer to Listing all tasks: list to understand more about task number

Command example: mark 1

SIMP-LI’s response:


Unmarking a task as done: unmark

SIMP-LI marks the task number in her memory as not done.

Command format: unmark TASK_NUMBER, refer to Listing all tasks: list to understand more about task number

Command example: unmark 1

SIMP-LI’s response:


Goodbye SIMP-LI: bye

SIMP-LI is sad to see you leave. She understands your reasons and bids you farewell :cry:.

Command format: greet [MESSAGE]

Command examples: bye, bye SIMP-LI, bye papi loves you

SIMP-LI’s response:


SIMP-LI memorizing tasks

SIMP-LI memorizes and stores the tasks in her brain which is located at ./data/simpli.csv, . is the path where SIMP-LI, simpli.jar resides. For example SIMP-LI resides in C:\Users\Papa\Downloads\simpli.jar then her brain will be at C:\Users\Papa\Downloads\data\simpli.csv.

Whenever a new command is given to SIMP-LI she will update her brain.

SIMP-LI prioritizing tasks

SIMP-LI is somewhat intelligent, she knows how to prioritize deadline task that are about to be due. This is done automatically whenever you give her new tasks to memorize.

Deadline tasks that are about to be due will have a lower task number. Learn more about task number by refering to Listing all tasks: list.

Editing SIMP-LI’s memory (:exclamation: advanced parents only)

In SIMP-LI’s brain, tasks are stored in comma-separated values (CSV) format. Different task may have slightly different format. You can open simpli.csv with any text editor of your choice.

:warning: Modifying SIMP-LI’s brain without following the proper format may result you to lose all your data. It is advisible you back up your data first.

CSV storage format:

  • Todo: Todo, IS_DONE, TASK_NAME
  • Deadline: Deadline, IS_DONE, TASK_NAME, DUE_DATE_TIME

Key fields:

  • IS_DONE: 1 represents done, 0 represents not done
  • TASK_NAME: The name of the task
  • DUE_DATE_TIME: The due date and time of a deadline task in D/M/YYYY HHMM format
  • FROM_DATE_TIME: The starting date and time of an event task in D/M/YYYY HHMM format
  • TO_DATE_TIME: The ending date and time of an event task in D/M/YYYY HHMM format

Refer to Features for details about the date and time format.

Example (opened with notepad):


Command summary :clipboard:

Action Format, Examples
Greet greet MESSAGE
e.g., greet I love SIMP-LI
Todo todo TASK_NAME
e.g., feed SIMP-LI dinner
Deadline deadline TASK_NAME /by DUE_DATE DUE_TIME
e.g., deadline teach SIMP-LI a new command /by 20/12/2025 1200
Event event TASK_NAME /from D/M/YYYY HHMM /to D/M/YYYY HHMM
e.g., event bonding session with SIMPLI /from 20/12/2024 1200 /to 20/12/2024 1400
Delete delete TASK_NUMBER
e.g., delete 1
List list
Find find [SUBSTRING]
e.g. find session
e.g. mark 1
Unmark unmark TASK_NUMBER
e.g. unmark 1
Bye bye

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